
to calvary chapel Wenatchee

Service Times

Calvary Chapel Wenatchee offers serveral services throughout the week

9:00 am& 11:00AM

Our first Sunday service is at 9:00 with our second service beginning at 11:00.

7:00 pm

During the week we offer a Wednesday  service which begins at 7:00.

Coffee Cafe

Calvary Chapel Wenatchee is delighted to invite you to our coffee cafe after all services. Espresso provided.

About CC Wenatchee

Please read on to learn about our Pastor and our beliefs.

About Our Beliefs

We hold to the in-errancy of scripture.We hold to the continuance of the diversities of spiritual gifts. We hold to simplicity in church government rather than a complex bureaucracy. We hold to a dependence upon the Holy Spirit to lead rather than mans natural promotion. We hold to the pre-millennial, pre-tribulation rapture of Christs' waiting Church. We study the bible, book-by-book, verse-by-verse. We hold to the principle:"When God guides, He provides," so there is never an emphasis on money or giving.

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About Our Pastor

Formally a surgical nurse, Pastor Rob was raised in a Baptist Pastors' home and only fully committed himself to Jesus in late adulthood. After connecting with founding members of the "Calvary Movement" in Seattle, Pastor Rob and his wife Sandy developed a coffee outreach house in Everett while continuing to study biblical teaching skills. During the early '90s, Pastor Rob and his wife received a call to establish a Calvary movement church in Wenatchee, Washington where they settled and raised their beautiful children. Pastor Rob and Sandy continue to lead our church today.

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Please read on to learn about our upcoming events and Programs

Joyful Beginnings Preschool

Do you have a child who will be three-years-old by May 1, 2016? Are you looking for a preschool program to give your precious child a head start?

Here at Calvary Chapel Wenatchee we offer our Joyful Beginnings Preschool for kids 3 to 5 years of age. There is a one-time $75 registration fee that helps hold your child’s place in the preschool and cover the cost of materials and supplies. There is a monthly tuition of $150 that is due on the first day of each month.
Preschool begins September 6 and ends May 30.
Special needs children are admitted on a per case basis. While we would love to accept all children there may be children who we are simply not capable or not qualified to care for.

Our Purpose and Philosophy is to:
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it          Proverbs 22:6
Joyful Beginnings Preschool believes God has created every child unique and special. God has gifted every child with distinct skills and abilities which He desires for them to grow and develop. We are eager to help our students discover and develop the gifts God has given uniquely to them.

Sign Up Now

Men's Fellowship Night

Join us for prayer, praise and open Bible discussions every Tuesday night from 6:30PM to 8:30PM!

Women's Bible Study

Our Women's Bible Study is held on Wednesday mornings from 9:300 AM to 11:00 AM. Child care is provided.